怎样能够强身健体-How to B Strongr,怎样能够强身健体-How to怎样能够强身健体-How to B Strongr With th improvmnt of popl's matrial conditions, popl hav highr dmands for living quality. vryon wants to hav a strong body and good living habits. How can w do that?
First, gt up arly and kp doing xrciss in th morning vry day. It's a good bginning of th day.
Scond, pay attntion to daily dit and hav balancdfood.It can nsur your halth.
Bsids ths, th most important thing is to b calm and good-naturd. Hop you will b happy forvr. 随着物质生活水平的不断提高,人们对生活质量有了更高的要求,每个人都想拥有强壮的身体和良好的生活习惯,我们怎样才能那样呢?
除了这些,最重要的是要心平气和。希望你永远都是快乐的。 With th improvmnt of popl's matrial conditions, popl hav highr dmands for living quality. Popl wish to b in good halth and to hav good living habits. How shall w do?
First, kp going to bd and gtting up arly vry clay. Thn do som xrciss in th opn air to brath th frsh air in th morning, so w will hav a plasant mood in a day.
Thn hav balancd food to nsur our halth. at mor vgtabls.
Bing calm and good-naturd is most important for our halth. Hop you will b happy forvr. 随着物质生活水平的不断提高,人们对生活的质量有了更高的要求。人们希望身体好,并希望有好的生活习惯。我们应怎样做呢?
除此外,心平气和对我们的健康是最重要的。希望你永远快乐。 怎样能够强身健体-How to B Strongr