Ours is calld Liujiawan Villag. It is an out-of-th-ways① plac bcaus it is far away from othr villags. Thr ar 1, 835 popl in it. In th past it was vry poor. Thr was no factory, no school, no hospital, and vn no trs. Th popl livd a hard lif. Now grat changs hav takn plac hr. Thr Lin② rows of nw houss and grn trs on th ithr sid of th strts. W hav st up four factoris, a hospital, and on school from whr 50 studnts cam out and ntrd into th univrsitis. Th lif of th villagrs is gtting bttr and bttr. Wish you a good tim hr.
Welcome to Our Village
更新时间:2025-03-16 13:26:08
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