Popl oftn say, Tim is mony, But in fact tim is mor valuabl than mony. Why? Bcaus whn mony is spnt, w can arn it back. Howvr, whn tim is lost, it will nvr rturn. This is th rason why w must valu tim.
Th tim w hav is limitd. vry scond is prcious. W should mak full us of our tim. But thr ar a lot of popl who do not know th importanc of tim. Thy kill away thir tim chatting, smoking, drinking or gambling, Thy do not raliz that wasting tim is simply wasting thir valuabl lif.
In a word, w should gt into th good habit of saving tim. Do not lav what can b don today until tomorrow. Lazinss will not only bring us failur but also lad us to th road of povrty.