我的妹妹-My Sister

更新时间:2025-03-16 12:57:12 高中生作文

My Sistr-我的妹妹

我的妹妹-My Sister

My Sistr gos to Taipi First Municipal Girls' High School and is in hr scond yar thr. This is th bst girl high school in th city, and My sistr is a vry good studnt. My sistr liks Sports. And now sh is a mmbr of th school track tam. Th rgular schoolwork and th sports kp my sistr vry busy and yt vry happy. Sh hops to b abl to go to collg whn sh graduats. Sh njoys nglish which thy hav nin sssions of on hour's class vry wk' sh hops to major in nglish in th futur. Usually sh gos to school at six in th morning and in th aftrnoon sh coms hom at six, too. Aftr dinnr sh usually studis until tn o’clock or so and thn gos to bd. On Saturday aftrnoonssh spnds hr tim at th school track. I think I hav a vry good sistr; sh also liks

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