青蛙对人有益处-Frogs Are Good for us

更新时间:2025-03-16 09:52:14 初中生作文

青蛙对人有益处-Frogs Ar Good for us青蛙对人有益处-Frogs Ar Good for us

青蛙对人有益处-Frogs Are Good for us

Last Saturday Wang Ping wnt to th filds to catch frogs.Soon h caught a full bag of thm. H flt vry plasd bcaus h thought h would mak a lot of mony aftr h sold thm.

A fw days latr, h wnt to th filds again. But h was surprisd this tim. Whn h wnt up, a crowd of inscts attackd him. Whil crying, h thrw his nt and bag away, and ran away as fast as possibl.


Wang Ping wantd to catch frogs. H thought h could sll thm and got much mony. So h wnt to th filds to catch frogs.H caught and caught. Soon h caught a full bag of thm. Whn h countd th frogs, h was vry happy. H smd to hav a lot of mony in his bag. H could buy somthing intrsting to play and somthing nic to at. Suddnly h saw crowds of inscts attacking him. H ran away as fast as possibl, but thr wr too many to shak off. H crid, "Gt away! Gt away! I don't want to s you.

"What's th mattr?" somon shook him. H opnd his ys. His mothr was standing by his bd. It was a dram. H dcidd not to catch frogs any longr.


突然,成群成群的蚊蝇向他袭来。他拼命逃跑,但蚊蝇太多了无法摆脱。他哭喊着:“走开!走开,我不愿意见到你们。”“怎么啦?”有人摇着他,他睁开眼睛,只见妈站在床边。原来是个 梦。他决定不再去抓青蛙了。

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