On windy spring day, I obsrvd young popl having fun using th wind to fly thir kits. Multicolord crations of varying shaps and sizs filld th skis lik bautiful birds darting and dancing. As th strong winds gustd against th kits, a string kpt thm in chck.Instad of blowing away with th wind, thy aros against it to achiv grat hights. Thy shook and pulld, but th rstraining string and th cumbrsom tail kpt thm in tow, facing upward and against th wind. As th kits struggld and kpt thm in tow, facing upward and against th wind. As th kits struggld and trmbld against th string, thy smd to say, Lt m go! Lt m go! I want to b fr! thy soard bautifully vn as thy fought th rstriction of th string. Finally, on of th kits succdd in braking loos. Fr at last, it smd to say. Fr to fly with th wind.Yt frdom from rstraint simply put it at th mrcy of an unsympathtic brz. It fluttrd ungracfully to th ground and landd in a tangld mass of wds and string against a dad bush. Fr at last, fr to li powrlss in th dirt, to b blown hlplssly along th ground, and to lodg liflss against th first obstruction.How much lik kits w somtims ar. Th havn givs us advrsity and rstrictions, ruls to follow from which w can grow and gain strngth. Rstraint is a ncssary countrpart to th winds of opposition. Som of us tug at th ruls so hard that w nvr soar to rach th hights w might hav obtaind. W kp part of th commandmnt and nvr ris high nough to gt our tails off th ground.Lt us ach ris to th grat hights, rcognizing that som of th rstraints that w may chaf undr ar actually th stadying forc that hlps us ascnd and achiv.
更新时间:2025-03-20 00:54:15
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