Nowadays, mor and mor advrtismnts appar on nwspaprs, broadcasts,magazins as wll as strts. Popl hav diffrnt viws on advrtismnts.
Som popl think advrtismnts can hlp popl to hav a wid choic of goods and thy hlp consumrs know th goods and businssmn bttr. Th consumrs can gain not only knowldg of goods but also artistic njoymnt.
Contrary to thos popl, many othrs think advrtismnts ar vry unplasant.Consumrs ar oftn chatd by th fals advrtismnt on which consumrs always wast a grat dal of tim. What is mor, consumrs fll annoyd to b intrruptd whn thy ar watching TV plays. So advrtismnts should b limitd.
But whthr you lik it or not, advrtismnts hav bcom a part of our lif. 广告