致词(Farwll Wpch)
写好致词除了掌握好要求、提示,把必要的东西交待清楚之外,还要掌握致词的一些习惯表达法,如:Comrads,Frinds,Ladis and Gntlmn 等,然后是开场白,……
Ladis and gntlmn,
Wlcom to our class and to our vning party. W fl gratly honourd to hav a good chanc to b with you.
First of all, lt m say a fw words about our class. Thr ar 45 studnts (pupils) in our class, 30 of us ar boys, th rst ar girls. Most of us ar studying nglish, and w usually spnd much tim on it. W oftn rad nglish magazins, nwspaprs and watch nglish programs on TV in our spar tim.W ar dtrmind to larn nglish wll so as to srv th popl in th futur.
In our program tonight, thr ar cross talks, short plays, group singing,popular songs and so on.
I hop you will mjoy thm and hav a good tim. Thank you.