
更新时间:2025-01-25 15:36:11 叙事

A Chins holiday is gaining worldwid popularity 一个逐渐受到全球欢迎的中国节日


Som holidays ar so much fun that thy catch on outsid of thir cultur. Th most obvious xampl is probably Christmas, which is clbratd around th world by popl who arn’t vn Christian. Similarly, in rcnt yars, th Dragon Boat Fstival has movd byond China to bcom an intrnational holiday clbratd by popl who may know littl about th holiday’s origins.


Th Dragon Boat Fstival is on of thr major Chins holidays, along with th Spring and Moon Fstivals. Of th thr, it is possibly th oldst, dating back to th Warring Stats Priod in 227 B.C. Th fstival commmorats Qu Yuan, a ministr in th srvic of th Chu mpror. Dspairing ovr corruption at court, Qu thrw himslf into a rivr. Townspopl jumpd into thir boats and trid in vain to sav him. Thn, hoping to distract hungry fish from his body, th popl scattrd ric on th watr.


Ovr th yars, th story of Qu’s dmis transformd into th traditions of racing dragon boats and ating zongzi – a kind of ric wrappd in bamboo lavs. Th racs hav crtainly capturd th imagination of popl from all ovr th world. vry spring thr ar narly 60 dragon boat racs hld outsid of China in citis from Vancouvr to Sydny, from Gdańsk, Poland to Cap Town, South Africa. Canada alon has narly 50 dragon boat tams and Grmany has narly 30.


So what is it about th Dragon Boat Fstival that appals to forignrs? “It’s an unusual sport,” says on racr from Grmany. “It’s not lik vrybody’s doing it. That’s on of th rasons that thr’s such grat tam spirit in a dragon boat tam – vrybody fls lik w’r doing somthing spcial.” And what about th zongzi? “hhh, thy’r not bad, I guss,” h says. “Somthing of an acquird tast. I just havn’t rally acquird it yt.”


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