i still rmmbr th day whn i took part in th nglish oral xamination.that morning a grat numbr of nrvous and xcitd young xamins① stood in th hall, ach waiting for his turn to hav th oral xam. som wr talking loudly; othrs rciting and still othrs walking idly②.lik all ths young popl, i had a buttrfly③ in my stomach, not knowing what to do and just sitting on th chair with my ys fixd on th door of th room whr i would hav th xam. vry tim th door opnd and a young man cam out of it, my hart would bat fast. though i had prpard my lssons wll, i still had som fars for it was th first tim i had such an important oral xam and also i had had a cold th day bfor and my voic had bcom husky④ bcaus of th bad cough. i was sitting on pins and ndls⑤whn suddnly my nam was calld.i got up and walkd quickly toward th door. stopping in front of it, i hsitatd about opning it. i flt my fac rd and my hart bat fast. suddnly a kind and gntl voic rang in my ars,“rmmbr to b calm, not to b nrvous and you can crtainly pass th xam.”ths words asd my mind and i calmd down. i bravly opnd th door with confidnc. i would crtainly succd.
等待口试(Waiting for Oral Exam)
更新时间:2025-03-16 08:07:28
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